The Touching the Earth Sangha is a Glastonbury based Buddhist Community of practitioners from the Thich Nhat Hanh tradition of Zen Buddhism. Check the blog for Sangha updates, latest news and articles related to Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village UK.

The Sangha meets regularly for Days of Mindfulness practice (see dates below).

Email Kev or Sam for details:

The Sangha holds evening meetings every second and last Mondays of the month at the Sweet Track Centre, Glastonbury, 7.30-9.30pm.

Email for details:

Our data protection policy is available on request.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Glastonbury Bridging the Gap

The Touching the Earth Sangha has introduced food collection boxes at Siggy and Jim’s barn at High Ham and at the Sweet Track Centre in Glastonbury to support this food bank initiative.

Glastonbury Bridging the Gap

The Glastonbury Food Bank and Shelter Pack Scheme was set up by the churches in Glastonbury in the autumn of 2010 to provide food parcels and other essential items to local people facing some kind of financial crisis. The parcels provide vital support during what can be a very difficult time.

What do they offer?

  • Boxes containing food and toiletries to help support an individual, couple or family for a week.

  • Emergency shelter packs for the homeless; containing tarpaulin, blanket and other basic supplies.

These are intended to fill a gap until more sustained support is obtained.

Who do they support?

  • Those who have suddenly lost their income due to sickness, redundancy or other change in circumstances.

  • Those on low incomes who are facing a sudden and unexpected expense.

  • Those who have recently been made homeless or have lost their belongings.

Their primary focus is on those living in Glastonbury or nearby villages.

How does it work?

Non-perishable food items and money are donated throughout the year by local churches, businesses, schools and other groups. Volunteers sort the donated food and make up boxes suitable for both individuals and families.

Requests for food are made by phone through local agencies, such as the Citizen’s Advice Bureau. They only supply food to people who are referred in this way.

Volunteers then shop for fresh bread, milk, fruit etc. and the parcel is delivered direct to the recipient.

They can also provide food items to agencies working with vulnerable adults, to be distributed at their discretion.

Current needs to balance their store (Sept.2014):

Tin pudding (Sponge/rice pudding/custard)
Tinned fruit
Tinned Tomatoes
Carton fruit juice (apple or orange)
Coffee (large and small)
Breakfast Cereal
Toilet rolls

No fresh food please (see above), and please ensure items are well within their use by date.

If you would like to make a cash donation please contact or phone 07980458600. Please do not leave cash (or cheques) in the food donation box.

Thank you!

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